Meet Kacie

A registered nurse with a passion in women’s reproductive health, turned full-time fertility coach.

TTC can be one of the hardest hurdles to jump and I don’t want you to do it alone.

My story starts about 10 years ago, when I first decided I wanted to become a nurse.

I first heard of Endometriosis when I was 19 - a reproductive specialists gave me this diagnosis and told me I will probably have a hard time getting pregnant and until then, birth control was the best option. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster at 19!

I truly felt helpless and so alone. I didn’t know anyone who struggled with Endo like I did, I had no one to relate with, no one to talk to. I quickly came to realize that women like me need an advocate and their voice heard. This is what truly inspired me to become a nurse, I wanted to make a change.

After graduating nursing school and spending a few years working in a hospital setting, I followed my heart and became a fertility nurse to help women like me. My years as a fertility nurse were so full-filling. I met so many incredible women and couples and I played a huge role in helping them achieve their dream family.

Fast forward a few years, I have taken my professional experience as a fertility nurse with my personal experience as a patient and combined the two to offer women all around the world one on one support as they navigate their trying to conceive journey.

I know this journey can be cruel and unfair, I am right there in the deep end with you and I want to make sure you have the support you need.

No matter where you are on your journey, I will have your back.

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.